Sniffer dogs are used for many tasks around the world. Our team has been practicing a special branch of tracking, mantrailing according to the methodology of the international mantrailing organization GAK9 (https://gak9.com/) for years. Our passion is to spend time with our dogs , theirs is hunting, that's how we found this wonderful sport.
Mantrailing, i.e. searching for missing people or fugitives, is a huge challenge for the dog-owner duo. Sniffer dogs are launched using an odor sample from the missing person/suspect and placed in a place where the requested person was last seen or where the crime may have occurred. The dog's job is to follow a person's trail based on the smell in the air and on the ground, which contains a person's individual fragrance.
GAK9 is a special form of mantrailing, which focuses primarily on the dog, using its hunting instinct and emphasizing independent work.
GAK9 was the first organization to introduce the so-called "double blind", i.e. searching for a track unknown to both the dog handler and the companion during training and exams. Its certificates are used by various law enforcement and military units around the world.